video production lab

What We Do

ThunderWurx is a Video Production Lab (VPL) that combines all the creative tools from all that is Adobe, including Photoshop 2022, After Effects 2022, Illustrator 2022, Premiere Pro 2022, and more, and make your brand work for you in ways that are beyond exciting. Our goal is to create an Ultra Custom Dynamic Visual Experience in a way that touches your buyers on all levels. Contact us.

     is the total video production lab


Creative is the key word here. We’ll turn your online animated presence into something more than alive. We’ll take your existing video content and turn on the afterburners. Relevant Fluid Dynamic Engineering.


Digital Video & Audio Production Lab. Whatever you have, we’ll make it look better. We’ll make it sound better. Have an original Rembrandt? We can digitally integrate into your company’s online presence and make that masterpiece work for YOU.


Integrate with billions of Monthly Active Users (MAUs)  in order of usage
  Facebook (2.9 billion MAUs);   YouTube (2.2 billion MAUs);   WhatsApp (2 billion MAUs);   Instagram (2 billion MAUs);    WeChat (1.26 billion MAUs); TikTok (1 billion MAUs);    SinaWeibo (573 million MAUs);    Telegram (550 million MAUs);   Snapchat (538 million MAUs);    Kuaishou (519.8 million MAUs); Qzone (517 million MAUs);   Twitter (436 million MAUs);   Reddit (430 million MAUs);   Quora (300 million MAUs);   Skype (300 million MAUs);  Microsoft Teams (270 million MAUs);   LinkedIn (250 million MAUs).


TWX has its origins in the aerospace industry and has NEVER strayed away from its roots. Having partnered with friends like Lockheed Martin, Northrop, Boeing, The United States Flight Demonstration Team Blue Angels, AirForces Monthly, The Aviationist, and NASA, just to mention a few, TWX has developed long lasting connections in aerospace – and beyond. There is no project “too big” or “too small”. Is your company ready to soar to FL800 and exceed Mach 3? Contact us.